Do not allow the opponents a breathing spell. 不让对手有喘息的机会。
We dealt a head-on blow to our enemies, never allowing them a breathing spell. 我军对敌人进行迎头痛击,坚决不让敌人喘息。
Having done it carefully, I had a breathing spell. 小心翼翼地做完后,我舒了一口气。
Utilize intervals between campaigns in resting, grouping and training troops, but don't let intervals be long or allow the enemy a breathing spell. 利用两个战役之间的间隙,休息和整训部队。休整的时间不要过长,不使敌人获得喘息的时间。
The breathing spell provided by the moratorium on arms shipments should give all the combatants a chance to reevaluate their positions. 解作以下的句子吗:军火运输的终止给予的喘息的时间(spell)应该给所有战斗员一个重新定位他们自己位置的机会。
In the breathing spell of the vacation he had taken, he had spent many hours in self-analysis, and thereby learned much of himself. 在他所度过的短短假期里,马丁花了许多时间作自我分析,对自己了解了许多。
He halted in front of the inn, to allow the horse a breathing spell, and to have him given some oats. 他在一家客栈门前停下来,让马喘口气,又叫人给他拿来荞麦。
But due to a breathing spell success when she found both on the same time the U.S.completely gone. 可是正当大功告成要松一口气的时候,她却发现二者的美于同时间消失殆尽。